Friday, July 24, 2009

Losing faith in the Statheads

Losing faith in the A's - SweetSpot by Rob Neyer - ESPN:

What bothers me the most about the latest wave of sabre-heads is the idea that whatever one of them s*its out of their spreadsheet smells like roses. Neyer quotes Erik Manning's claim that Brent Wallace's value is $25 million versus just $8 million for Matt Holliday.

"As Erik Manning writes, Holliday's worth $8 million and Wallace is worth $25 million. Even without considering Shane Peterson and Clayton Mortensen, it's obviously a good deal for the A's (we'll have to wait and see if it's a good deal for the Cardinals, since that depends largely upon whether or not they get into the playoffs)."

Then Neyer goes on to describe Wallace this way: "...a 'pear-shaped' third baseman who doesn't have much power and is widely thought to be a future first baseman..."

Shouldn't there have been some sort of smell test before using Mannings' stats?