Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2007 Guide Update

Back in October, Rotomusing announced that he would produce the first-ever Rotomusing Rotisserie Baseball Guide (to be titled something more "scientific" sounding with an acronym and a sub-title with and acronym!).

Since then, I have developed an outline of what I feel must be covered and have begun addressing some of those areas. Unfortunately, I had enormous impositions by my cash provider (my job), family and illness which has left me much further behind than I had planned.

I wanted it on the market before anyone else's guide in order to take advantage of the thirst for fantasy baseball that occurs following the end of the season. But I believe my perspective is unique and may be able to withstand a mid-season release! (Icarus, don't fly too close to the sun.)

I also have been trying to determine how long it should be. A 200-page book has about 100,000 words. I don't think that is necessary, but one of half that length? A quarter? With team write-ups, there are at least 30 pages if one looks for a page per team so maybe 50 is correct.

Not including the team write-ups, which really do need to be done as late as possible, I am probably a good 20 hours away from what I consider the portion that I want to withstand the test of time.

Nevermind the issue of whether I should sell it and for how much. I'd like your opinions.

(As you can look back and see, I tried to speak in the third person was unable to do so past the first sentence.)

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